MCC invites its young members to explore their thoughts, feelings, ideas and artistic literacy by participating in this competition. We advise you to follow the judging criteria while working on your submission. All entries must be the participant’s own original work.
All participants must be San Diego residents.
Please refer to the Judging Criteria flyer to ensure your submission fulfills the requirements.
Please choose a category according to grade level.
Theme: Eid Celebration
Using standard media such as paint, ink, markers and pencil, make a visual art with reference to Eid Celebration
Group 1 – grade K – 3
Group 2 – grade 4 – 6
Computer generated designs, AI art, print-outs, coloring pages, tracing, etc. will disqualify you.
Theme: Name of Prophets
Explore your ability to draw and write Arabic script! Choose any prophet name and write it beautifully using your calligraphic skills. Make sure your submission reflects artistic hand lettering and an imaginative use of color and design. Computer generated designs, print-outs, coloring pages, tracing, etc. will disqualify you.
Group 1 – grade 6 – 8
Group 2 – grades 9 -12
Theme: Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Using your research skills and prior knowledge, write an essay on the following topics on the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH]
Group 1 – grade 7 – 9 (300 – 500 words)
Topic: Prophet Mohamed [PBUH]: A Military General
Group 2 – grades 10 -12 (500-700 words)
Topic: Prophet Mohamed [PBUH]: Peacekeeper and Politician
Submission Deadline
March 21, 2025 by midnight
Maryam at
Youth Director at
Winners will be announced on the 29th of Ramadan