إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon
Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return
As you make preparations for Janaza and burial for the deceased, you will need to address the following:
- Work with a mortuary service to arrange transport, documentation and Muslim washing/preparation for burial, including kafn.
- Work with an Imam/Islamic center to perform Janaza prayer.
- Secure a plot for a grave in a cemetery
- Arrange for burial services for opening and closing the grave, burial and associated documentation.
You may use the following services to fulfill the above:
Burial Space
Ar-Rahma Garden Muslim Cemetery
3191 Orange Street
National City, CA 91950
For janaza prayer, please contact
Imam Saifuddin
Resident Imam, MCC
Phone: (619) 723-4592
Email: imam@mccsandiego.org
Burial Arrangements
To make arrangements for opening and closing for burial after space has been purchased, please call the cemetery office. Burial services for opening and closing the grave etc. will be provided by the cemetery and will need to be arranged with the cemetery.
La Vista Memorial
3191 Orange Street
National City, CA 91950
Phone: (619) 475-7770
Mortuary Arrangements
You may contact Bishop Mortuary as they have an arrangement to perform Muslim wash and preparation with kafn/shroud.
Bishop Mortuary
3444 Citrus St
Lemon Grove,
CA 91946
Phone: (619) 466-4462